This week, we're featuring Hawthorne's classic novel of guilt, blame, punishment, and redemption, The Scarlet Letter. Download your free copy of this Crossword Puzzle for The Scarlet Letter now!

The puzzles are perfect wrap-up activities, extra credit assignments, or emergency lessons for substitutes. Each crossword puzzle covers the entire book and is designed to focus on elements that make the book unique, like key characters, important vocabulary, major plot events, and important symbols and motifs.

Download The Scarlet Letter Crossword Puzzle!

More resources for teaching The Scarlet Letter

From The Scarlet Letter paperbacks and activities, to worksheets, and other literature teaching units, Prestwick House has the widest collection of teaching resources for Hawthorne's classic including:

Like this crossword? Have a title that you'd love to see a puzzle for? We'd love to hear from you, so leave us a note in the comments!