Free Library Update

Julius Caesar and Pygmalion Free Crossword Puzzles Now Available!

Literature Crossword Puzzles - NewAfter a brief summer break, we're back this week with two brand-new, free crossword puzzles ready to use in your classroom. In addition to our regularly scheduled crossword for is for Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, we're also giving you a free crossword puzzle for Shaw's PygmalionDownload your free puzzles now!

The puzzles are perfect wrap-up activities, extra credit assignments, or emergency lessons for substitutes. Each crossword puzzle covers the entire book and is designed to focus on elements that make the book unique, like key characters, important vocabulary, major plot events, and important symbols and motifs. 

Literature Puzzles

Visit the English Teacher's Free Library to download these puzzles today.

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More new puzzles, posters, eBooks, and lesson plans are being added to the library all the time, so sign up now, and we'll e-mail you as soon as a new title is added. Next up is Death of a Salesman.

​Like the crosswords? Have a title coming up next quarter that you'd love to see a puzzle for? We'd love to hear from you, so leave us a note in the comments!