Edit! Revise! Rewrite!

Grades 10-12


Retail Price: $21.50

Our Price: $24.95

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Author(s): Markos, Joan R.
Page Length: 80 pgs
Copyright: 2002
Weight: 0.50 lbs.
Item Code: 202996
ISBN: 9780825143519
ISBN-10: 0825143519
This set of 78 masters is designed to build skills in the revision aspect of writing. Edit! Revise! Rewrite! is a series of letters, paragraphs, and essays which contain errors in grammar and writing. Sets are broken into six units, and each unit is subdivided into four sections. Sequential units are self-directing, so your students will not require a lot of supervision once you get them started. For average and below-average students in grades 10-12.

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