Media Literacy - Thinking Critically About Internet


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Author(s): Paxson, Peyton
Page Length: 110 pgs
Copyright: 2004
Weight: 0.68 lbs.
Item Code: 203694
ISBN: 9780825049903
ISBN-10: 0825049908
Media Literacy Series Your students spend three to four times as much time mired in media messages as they do in school. They may think they're savvy consumers of mass media, but are they really? This series challenges students with such issues as: why are men and women over 40 so underrepresented in the film industry? How are persons with physical and mental handicaps presented in movies and on television? Does gender bias play a role in Hollywood? Do advertisers inform or manipulate? You and your students might be amazed at what you find. Whether you teach a full media class or simply want to include a media unit in your curriculum, you'll find activities and ideas to challenge your students' assumptions and values.

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