Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America


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Author(s): McWhorter, John
Page Length: 299 pgs
Copyright: 2001
Weight: 0.62 lbs.
Item Code: 202630
ISBN: 9780060935931
ISBN-10: 0060935936
If you're content with all of your preconceived notions and stereotypes about the status of minorities in America, then you certainly don't want to read this book. John McWhorter offers a troubling, soul-searching, yet ultimately empowering discussion of why the underclass remains the underclass generation after generation. Much of what McWhorter says flies in the face of "conventional wisdom," but his arguments are cogent and his support well-established. If you're a teacher and you want to give all of your students the best shot at success in the future, you simply must read this book. Otherwise, simply go on as you have been.

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