Across Five Aprils - Audiocassette and Teaching Unit
Author(s): |
Hunt, Irene |
Copyright: |
0 |
Weight: |
1.62 lbs. |
Item Code: |
300017 |
n/a |
Many students, even some very good ones, do not internalize voice and intonation when they read. As a result, these students, lacking phrasing, intonation, and the ability to utilize multiple voices while they read, find reading literature, with its unfamiliar vocabulary and complete-compound sentences, and elaborate metaphors, very laborious. Consequently, a short novel that could be read in a weekend takes the student three weeks or longer to finish. Using any standard edition of the text, the students follow the printed pages while listening to the recording. At home the students reread the chapter and answer study guide questions. As a result, within a much shorter period of time, the students have read the novel, discussed it, digested it, and are prepared to be tested on their literal and conceptual understanding. Includes both the Prestwick House Teaching Unit and unabridged audio book.