You're already teaching the book, so teach the vocabulary words your students will encounter within the book with this organized program, Vocabulary from Literature: a direct and incidental approach to literature-based vocabulary study.
Instead of simply copying dictionary definitions, your students will understand words in context, grasp elusive shades of meaning, and develop greater interest in classic literature.
Vocabulary From Literature guides are ready-to-use, title-specific, and available in both reproducible and downloadable format. Every resource comes with exercises featuring:
- Matching definitions;
- Writing synonyms from context clues;
- Completing sentences;
- And a 20 question vocabulary test based on the words found in the text.
The activities in this unit are designed to help students increase their vocabulary by studying the meanings of words selected from Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451.
This class bundle comes with 30 copies of Fahrenheit 451 automatically upgraded to our highest discount, as well as the Vocabulary from Literature reproducible packet.