Fountainhead, The - 30 Books and Activity Pack


Retail Price: $334.65

Our Price: $229.65

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Author(s): Rand, Ayn
Copyright: 0
Weight: 0.00 lbs.
Item Code: 302973

In The Fountainhead, architect Howard Roark fights to maintain his sense of individualism and overcome society's repression of modern architecture.

Show your students how enjoyable studying The Fountainhead can be — and automatically save 35% on your copies of The Fountainhead —with the The Fountainhead Prestwick House Activity Pack + 30 books Class Set.

The title-specific, reproducible Activity Pack that accompanies your 30 copies of The Fountainhead contains dozens of activities that will help students think about and analyze The Fountainhead in novel ways while learning about literary elements such as theme, symbolism, characterization, allusion, and more. It's a perfect tool with which to engage and excite students — even students who think they don’t like literature.

This package contains 30 copies of The Fountainhead and its Activity Pack.

For a printed version of the Activity Pack alone, click here.

For the downloadable version, click here.

For more information about Activity Packs, including sample pages, click here.

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