Implementing an Effective Writing Program
Author(s): |
Pikiewicz, Kristi and Garth Sundem |
Page Length: |
566 pgs. |
Copyright: |
2004 |
Weight: |
4.54 lbs. |
Item Code: |
307610 |
9781425802608 |
Implementing an Effective Writing Program has absolutely everything you need to create and manage a successful writing program. You’ll love the ready-to-use lessons for the traits of good writing, differentiated for every trait and every level (1-5), in small group, full class, and individual format.
In addition, this two-inch binder includes hundreds of time-saving tips, techniques, and easy-to-use tools like graphic organizers, progress charts, assessment aids, writing templates, revision instructions, and even helpful hints to help you communicate with parents. Includes CD-ROM with PDFs and templates for the entire 400-page Companion Notebook.