Crafting Comparison, Expository, and Persuasive Papers: Complete Set


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Weight: 2.18 lbs.
Item Code: 308154

Whether you’re teaching comparison, expository, or persuasive writing in your classroom, these narrowly focused, extremely thorough reproducible guides have everything you need to help your students write more clearly. Varied and interesting activities, detailed rubrics, and in depth lessons are included in each. (3 books)

Crafting Comparison Papers

This narrowly focused reproducible is, nonetheless, very thorough. The lessons are suitable for grades 4-10, the activities are varied and interesting, and there are detailed rubrics for scoring student writing. It will enable your class to analyze, compare, and write more clearly.

Crafting Expository Papers

In a clear, no-nonsense style, Crafting Expository Papers makes teaching writing enjoyable. This book helps you prepare lessons that address narrowing the subject, fact/opinion, organization, topic sentence development, and many more. It also includes rubrics to help both you and students in the evaluation process.

Crafting Opinion and Persuasive Papers

From evaluating positions to adding support, Tim Clifford gives you the instructional steps you need to help your students build and deliver strong opinion and persuasive papers. Invaluable for language arts teachers, this book will help you teach your students to examine the validity of claims, comprehend the differences between fact and fiction, support positions with evidence, and understand audience and author purpose.

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